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A traditional wood-and-straw cavana in the Venetian Lagoon photographed by Paolo Monti in 1955.
Cavana for the fire brigade service on the river Novo

A cavana is a covered shelter for boats. They are typical of the city and lagoon of Venice.

The word is thought to come from the Italian word 'capanna' meaning hut: the oldest depictions are represented as shelters covered with straw-like huts. Over time, shelters of this kind were also made in the body of buildings, palaces or usually used for storage, on the side facing a small river.

Cavana Neighborhood in Trieste[edit]

Cavana is also a historic neighborhood in the city of Trieste, Italy, located at the northeastern edge of the Adriatic Sea, near the Gulf of Venice. It's located near the waterfront and has a rich cultural heritage, characterized by its narrow streets, historic buildings, and vibrant atmosphere. Cavana is known for its cafes, restaurants, and shops, making it a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. It's a great place to explore if you're interested in experiencing the charm and history of Trieste.

Cavana in Trieste has a fascinating origin tied to its history as a port city. The name "Cavana" itself derives from the Latin "cavea," meaning cavity or concavity, referring to the concave ground where fishermen used to pull their boats ashore.

Its origins, deeply rooted in the annals of a bustling port city, lend an air of intrigue to its very name. "Cavana," derived from the Latin "cavea," evokes images of the concave terrain where fishermen once harbored their vessels.

Today, Cavana stands as a vibrant blend of old and new, where historical echoes coexist harmoniously with the rhythms of modernity. Visitors are drawn to its streets to indulge in a rich culinary experience, from classic Italian dishes to fresh seafood sourced from the nearby Adriatic Sea. The influence of neighboring regions, like Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Slovenia, adds a diverse dimension to the gastronomic offerings, enriching the experience for all who venture here.