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User:Aminova Gulsim/Book

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Monument for books, Berlin

The Book (Arabic: record)- unlimited print edition; work of artistic and literary, socio-political, scientific and practical content.

The first types of the book are written in cuneiform on ceramic cubes, tiles in the Ancient East, Greece, Rome. In the 25th century BC in Egypt instead of ceramic cubes reed (papyrus) was used. In the 7th century BC in reed(Kamys) the writing of books was widely spread in Greece and Rome. In this regard, there were copy and art artists who have learned to rewrite the book

Our era in the 2nd century began to use skin instead of reeds. Works of ancient Roman culture and science are written in books.  In 105 Chinese master Tsai LUN invented paper and in the 13th century the art of making paper spread from East to West. In this regard, handwritten books, various letters, topics (headings) were used in Europe. The book covers are ornamented with gold and silver metal. In the middle of the 15th century in connection with the invention of the German inventor Johann Gutenberg printed book, which was filled with slippery font. Modern book-made in the form of notebooks to the cover in the sample book block attached to each other.

Interesting facts about books and libraries

What country, no matter what its cultural level, literacy, of course, is related to the book. In the US, almost half the population does not read books. As a result, according to the survey, 40% of students said that Israel is one of the Arab countries.People understand that Franklin Roosevelt is president of the United States during the Vietnam War. And half of these students did not know who the Churchill was ...

The value of reading for the future of the nation. Without education, society has never developed. We offer you some interesting facts about books and libraries.

There is a "skepticism" society in Finland. At the end of each year, its members gathered and advised to pass the "Certificate of Honor" the worst book of the year.

Last year, the magazine "Concret", published in West Germany, received a prize for the worst work of the year, or for the author carefree. The person who received it must henceforth not write such a book and promise that the money that came to this gift will get a different profession.

American scientists engaged in archaeological excavations in Sri Lanka, found one of the wonders, each sheet of which is made of pure gold. It says that Ancient India printed a certain Dastan.

One pharmacist living in the French city of Nantes spent thirty-five years collecting anthem from different countries. According to France's Press Agency, his collection has reached a hundred countries today.

Exactly ten years ago (2004), Syrian scientists together with other fraternal colleagues began to publish "The entire Arab Encyclopedia". Each of these twenty volumes has thousands of pages.

In France, just eight hours published a collection of poems. The author who handed the manuscript in the morning to nine in the morning started signing the others at 5 pm.

The Eighth miracle of the Roman era, which was erected at the beginning of the third century before our counting, was restored in the beginning of the new year - Alexander Library. There are thousands of papyrus manuscripts in this library that have no analogues.

Francois Mitterrand, who was the president of France, is a superbly-fledged super-library that has never been built in Paris or anywhere in Paris. It is a great achievement of scientific and technical innovations in the past twenty years.